Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
Specialty Programs & Camps
Peace Village (Intergenerational)
"An Invitation to Peace Village: Faith Formation in a Multifaith World is based on models of inspiring ministry in the United Church of Christ. An Invitation to Peace Village is a DVD resource lifts up the work of one powerful and effective model of interfaith, faith formation ministry from the Congregational Church of San Mateo in California. The accompanying handbook offers an engaging and helpful “how-to” framework for cultivating a Peace Village in your own congregation and community."
"Partner for organizations around the world in discovering what kids need to succeed.
Our research, resources, and expertise help our partners in organizations, schools, and community coalitions solve critical challenges in the lives of young people."
"Founded in 1993, Passport, Inc. has developed a reputation for creative, high quality Christian programs for students, moving and theologically stretching worship, an energetic staff, and hands-on mission and discipleship experiences for youth with mission education for kids."
Day Programs Ideas
Meet once a week, twice a month, or a specialty weekend
Activities: Mission Activities, Movies, Outreach, & Meals
Just Kids, Families, Grandparents, Mentors, Entire Church
Imagine your youth group has been hit with a disaster. You are now living in a danger zone – wreckage, possible injuries and no basic necessities like food or water. How will you survive?
The Famine is totally customizable for groups of all different styles and sizes, so you can choose the format that works best for you.
Summer Camps
While many regions have age-based camps. Several regions offer camps
that may be better for a youth, child, or family. There is something for
everyone at camp!
Contact Us if Interested in any of the following camps
Sailing/Kayak/Canoe/Water ski Camp
Autism Camp
Equestrian Camp
Grandparent Camp
Family Camps
North American Pacific Asian Disciples Camp: Winter, Loch Leven, Pacific Southwest Region
Mission Trip Camp
Mental Disabilities Camp
Inner City Kids Camp:
Eighters "Created to be Me" Camp
Music, Art, Drama Camp
Young Adult Camp
Adult Camp
Senior Adult Camp
Intergenerational Camp
Preacher Camp
Wilderness/Hiking Camp
Go to our main Summer Programs page