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Disciples Home Missions
A ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Connecting the WHOLE Body to the WHOLE Mission
Summer Mission
Mission Trips & Outreach
Summer is a wonderful season to try some new ways for your group to engage in hands-on mission. There are global programs, local outreach opportunities, and trips.
Safety standards can make it difficult to find opportunities for younger children, but that does not mean learning and engaging in mission work isn't important and possible for all ages. Below are some suggestions that can help guide leaders and parents down paths to include the whole church in mission work and learning.
Mission Trip Locations
Check your region and local areas for other mission opportunities. Keep in mind that many general church gatherings include mission work.
Wherever you go (mission trip, family vacation or weekend getaway) our Disciple's related ministries and mission sites welcome you to visit. Click here to let us know where you are going so we can connect you.
Disciples affiliated:
Disciples Volunteering
Week of Compassion Volunteering
Disciple Summer Mission (6th-12th)
Be the Neighbor (All ages)
Christmount Summer Work Camp
Blue Theology
Urban Mission Inn
Ecumenical Options
DOOR (See the face of God in the City)
Youth Mission Co.
Passport, Inc.
Good Samaritan Ministries

R.E.A.D.Y. (Global Ministries) - YOUTH
Global Mission
Kids to Kids: This Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ program helps give kids the ability to help other kids who need it. This is a partnership with Global Ministries, One Great Hour of Sharing, and Week of Compassion.
Msterio (formerly HappyDoll: Make a Doll, Travel the World, Connect Children: Msterio provides dolls for children in challenging circumstances. Receive a blank doll to decorate and then track its delivery to children in need.
Local Missions and Experiences
Around the Church
Children need to learn to take care of the property and place where they worship. They can pull weeds, plant flowers, and clean nursery toys. These types of activities, however, need to be done with intention. The kids are not just doing activities others may not want to do. They are learning that it takes the whole community to take care of a facility. It is important to involve other adults in the church to help and teach.
30 Hour Famine
The Famine is totally customizable for groups of all different styles and sizes, so you can choose the format that works best for you.
Food Banks
Many community food banks and food pantries allow children as young as 4 years old to participate in their work. This is a great activity.
Help People
Sing at Christmas or in the middle of the summer! Wash cars or just windows. Kids can rake leaves, or play bingo at a local nursing home.
Mission Trip Preparations
Destination Unknown Missions: 30 Excursions To Transform Your Community by Sam Halverson
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