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This page was last updated by JK 9/26/14

Safety - Getting Started

One of the reasons many churches do not create a safe and sacred space is because it can be very overwhelming and can cost money. Here are some basic important ways to get started.
The Written Word
  • Write down the expectations you have for clergy and employees.
  • Write down the expectations you have for the adults.
  • Write down the expectations you have for the children.
  • Get signatures and permission for photos, travel, and technology/social media
Adult to Child Ratio
  • The standard practice (which should be written down) is that at no point should anyone be in a group smaller than three people. Never. This includes online and other media interactions. Make sure everyone (children included) are aware of this expectation. There should always be two adults in a nursery care setting.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off
  • A lot can happen between the car and the room. Work with guardians to create a safe way to have children sign in and sign out with those who are allowed and age appropriate (write it down) to drive and monitor a child. Never let a child go with someone who does not have written permission to take that child. (This includes the nursery. Do not send a child with a sibling, friend, non-guardian parent unless given written permission.)
Contact and Medical Information
  • Allergies and behavioral information is very important. Basic medical and contact information is needed for every child on the property even when a parent is present.
Background Checks
Insurance Board: Policy Template: This is the best resource out there!
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